Nitrosys Plus
Nitrosys Plus is the first low pressure spray foam system that is approved to process and spray traditional high pressure spray foam formulations. This unique process allows users to apply foam with a disposable plastic gun eliminating costs associated with gun maintenance, training and downtime. Utilizing a patented mixing device, Nitrosys Plus auto calibrates A and B materials while pre -heating the material and delivering it to the Nitrosys plus gun or Handi Gun II spray gun through the GreenFlare Heated Hose.
Turn Key Low Pressure Spray System
This turn key system introduces a whole new level of simplicity and safety to the SPF application process, creating a new standard for SPF application equipment. Cost of entry and mechanical skill for use of high pressure equipment can be expensive and complex to learn. High pressure equipment have very small tolerances for error which can lead to delay in production and costly repairs.
Low Pressure System. High Pressure Foam
Nitrosys + is a low pressure system that uses standard formulation foam designed for high pressure systems. Nitrosys + Includes auto calibration, pre heaters and heated hoses, transfer pumps and a Handi Foam II gun or Nitrosys Plus gun. Auto calibration allows your materials to be mixed in the correct ration saving in waste and labor costs. The Pre- heaters and heated hoses maintain constant temperatures and increase consistency and yield. Transfer pumps move material from 5-55 gallons into Nitrosys to be auto calibrated.
Improper mixing now is not dictated by pressure which means:
- Reduction in sprayer fatigue
- Less power consumption
- Quiet Operation
- Less Maintenance
- Injection hazards are greatly reduced