Vapor abrasive blasting (also known as wet abrasive blasting) removes coatings, contaminants, corrosion and residues from hard surfaces. It’s similar to dry blasting, except that the blast media is moistened prior to impacting the surface, reducing dust significantly and also reducing the amount of water used when compared to traditional wet blasting. Graco abrasive blasters are ideal for blasting in areas where dust and containment are concerns. Wet and vapor abrasive blast systems employ a mixture of water, air, and abrasive to clean and remove surface contaminants and coatings. This method is ideal for surface preparation and provides a cleaner surface with little to no embedded particles or clinging dust.
Residential Blasting
Graco's powerful EcoQuip 2 Vapor Abrasive blasters are not only easy to use, but portable enough to take from one job to another for any resdiential application. Blast up to 90 minutes with the EQp or up to two hours with an EQm.